DaNisha Studios in San Miguel de Allende
DaNisha Studios in San Miguel de Allende
Have you ever wanted to pack up everything you owned and move to a new country? That's exactly what Dan and Nisha Ferguson did in the early…
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April 16, 2023

DaNisha Studios in San Miguel de Allende

Have you ever wanted to pack up everything you owned and move to a new country?

That's exactly what Dan and Nisha Ferguson did in the early 90's.  They bought a 1976 Volkswagen bus, packed up their business and two young children and headed south.  The trip from Toronto, Canada to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico took six weeks.  It was an adventure. 

Dan is a sculptor and Nisha is a painter.  Their business is called DaNisha. Together they collaborate and create ceramic and bronze work.    For many years Dan and Nisha traveled the arts festival circuit in the United States.   Now they're part of a global network of artists living in San Miguel. 

During our conversation, Dan and Nisha talk about their artistic journey and the  life choices they made to live life to the fullest.  You'll hear that creativity is part of their DNA.

             "100% go for it."

             "We've never regretted anything we did, only the things we didn't do."

I was honored to visit Dan and Nisha  while on a visit to San Miguel de Allende with my friend Wendy Conklin, founder of Chair Whimsy. You can watch Wendy's video tour of Dan and Nisha's studio here




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